About Us

Kislay was founded in 1992 by a group of young professionals who wanted to  address the issues of urban poverty through developing capacity of urban poor. In  another words, the organization was founded by the grounding principle that  ‘community participation is key to peoples’ development’ and ‘empowering the poor  communities’ especially casual workers, the women & youth is essential to identify  their problems/issues, and mobilize community resources and motivate people to  solve their own problems through collective action.’ 

The vision of the Kislay is to work towards creating an exploitation and  discrimination free society. To achieve this purpose, Kislay aims to improve the  situations of the marginalized and poor urban communities’ especially casual  workers, women & youth, by advocating their right to a life with dignity. 

Kislay’s main strategy is to build capacities – leadership, systems and human  resources – of its Community Based Organizations which involves; 

  • Enabling informal sector workers in organizing awareness campaigns for  community mobilization against gender discrimination, child marriage,  sexual harassment at work place & domestic violence and grass root  campaigns for fair wage, healthy working condition, regulation of  employment & other social security provisions through awareness and  effective leaderships among workers. 
  • Facilitating informal sector workers to develop interface with state  government, labor department for legislative protection and receiving several  benefits. 
  • Networking with other civil society organizations for building public opinion for  state and national level policy environment for shelter and livelihoods security of the  informal sector workers. 

Major activities of the organization: 

  • Developing enabling environment & support structure in communities to  address the issues of early/child marriage, gender discrimination at home and  at workplace. 
  • Empowering informal working women in Delhi slums to address structural  forms of gender oppression and violence. 
  • Strengthening participation of poor women in local governance by  establishing women collectives in slum communities. 
  • Facilitating construction and domestic workers to link them with state  welfare boards and welfare departments for receiving social security & other  benefits.  
Certificate of Merit by MCD to KISLAY